Air Pollution

Health Effects of Air Pollution

    I was very surprised reading about the health effects that air pollution triggers. Air pollution surprises a large range of people, especially children. Children are more susceptible to air pollution for a plethora of reasons. One reason is that when children are excersising at a fast rate, they take in 20-50% more air than an adult would. While they are taking in normal things in the air such as oxygen, the air pollutants go along with it. Another large reason children are effected more by air pollution is because they spend more time outside than many adults. The average adult spends about 85-95% of their day inside, as children usually spend less than 80% indoors. When people are exposed to an ample amount of pollutants, it mostly effects the lungs. If the cells of the lungs are damaged, however, and the person is still in their childhood, new parts may be stunted and will not be allowed to fully develop. 
    Ozone also effects the health of people. Ozone causes people to have an irritation in the nose and throat, cough and produce a surplus of mucus, eye irritation, headaches, chest pain, and trouble breathing. If you are exposed to ozone for an extensive time period, the damages to your lung tissue could be permantently damaged. 
    Carbon monoxide surprisingly poisons many people each year and has caused hundreds of deaths. When people are poisoned by this gas, it is hard for them to recognize it. It is described to be similar to fighting off of a flu or a cold. Carbon monixide also takes a larger effect in pregnant woman. When somebody who is pregnant is exposed to much to this gas, their child tends to be very underweight at birth. It also has been proven that it damages their organ tissue. When they did an experiment on rats, their left ventricle in their left heart was enlarged or weakened.   Also, They faced a large amount of artery constriction problems.